Future lessons
Here are some topics we will cover in future lessons if time and demand permit:
Ukulele playing for complete beginners
An introduction for new players. How to buy, tune, hold, strum, and fret. Chords and strumming for lots of easy songs. (Lessons usually held in spring and again in fall.)
Beyond beginning uke strumming
Moving past the bare basics with strumming techniques and patterns, chord solos, fingerpicking, barre chords and movable chords. (Lessons usually held in winter.)
Fingerpicking and chord solos
Picking scales, melodies, and accompaniments, and playing chord-and-melody arrangements.
How music works
Beginning basics of music theory and notation: Rhythm, notes, scales, chords. Aimed at ukulele players but applicable to all sorts of music.
If you’re interested in these or other topics, let us know here! We’ll be in touch when future lessons are scheduled. (To contact us about other things please go to our contact page.)